Saturday, May 10, 2014


I have often spoken of my mother here. There is so much about her that permeates my being. As a young person I had no idea how influential she was in my life, but today memories of her in times gone by sneak into my thoughts on a daily basis.

Although Mom is still with us, so much of what made up who she was is gone now. The hands that braided my hair, that made me custard when I was sad or fresh-squeezed orange juice when I had a cold, that patiently showed me how to sew, that created beautiful treasures with her handwork, that set the table and served the food to all who walked through her door, that held the books to read to her grandchildren - those hands now lay idle in her lap.  Her mind has betrayed her, and no longer brings forth the memories that she longs for. But I carry those memories forward to share anew with her and with my family as best I can.

Mom and I had a good visit yesterday. We talked about family, past and present, and shared a laugh or two. It was timely that the show "Ellen" was on the television, and I commented that it appeared the audience consisted of young women that were expecting a baby. Her response was "I feel sorry for them." So, Happy Mothers Day, Mom! My prayer for her this Mother's Day and every day is that she feels contentment, comfort and peace.

As I've watched my two daughters travel through the seasons of motherhood, I am reminded of how all-consuming it can be when the children are young and dependent, and how difficult it can be to then transition to watching them go it on their own. I'm proud of these two young women and how they have handled their most important role - that of a Mother.

Reflecting on what it means to be a mother, these are the things I know for sure:
  • being a mother is a life-long commitment
  • being a mother brings the most joyous joy and the most painful pain
  • being a mother is doing the best you know to do each day
  • being a mother is feeling you should have done better each night
We all do it differently, and we all do our best to be the person that our children need. So, Happy Mother's Day to all of you who are mothers or have taken on the role of a mother.

Until next time...
