Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Lent of My Childhood

The church my family attended when I was a child observed the season of Lent with Wednesday evening services. In our community there were two Lutheran churches, and although each belonged to a different synod, we alternated back and forth for the mid-week service.

Strangely enough when I think back to that time what I remember most clearly is sitting in that unfamiliar little church beside my mother singing the somber hymns associated with Lent. I can visualize the beautiful white altar and communion rail at the front, and the unique fiberboard on the walls that wrapped around us. It was cozy and comforting to that little girl sitting beside her mother.

And then following "The Old Rugged Cross"...

Comes the trumpet fanfare and "Christ the Lord is Risen Today!"

So many times in life are like Lent/Easter. There is the waiting, wanting, wishing, hoping... and finally the fulfillment - even sweeter because of the preparation.
Till next time...

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