Sunday, February 14, 2016

A Valentine Remembrance

I'm going to take a few minutes this morning to re-tell a Valentine story. Years ago we had two drug stores in our community.  The Corner Drug Store was owned by Swede Thorson, and Bruehler Drug was owned by George and Charlie Bruehler. The weeks before Valentine's Day a very aggressive campaign between the two stores took place, each trying to outsell the other. They were peddling beautifully decorated boxes of Valentine candy... all sizes and colors, with flowers and lace and ribbons. They were lovely to behold. 

No man was safe walking down the street or even getting out of their car in front of either store. They would surely be approached (attacked) by Swede and/or Charlie to buy a box for their sweetheart. Perhaps a little guilt was involved to get them to buy the biggest, most elaborate box. There was many a lady in our community/area who benefited from this friendly competition!

I think of these gentlemen each year as this day rolls around. It's a sweet memory of days gone by.

Till next time...


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