Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Almost Gives Me Whiplash!

This weekend was spent mingling with the future as we were surrounded by some of our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Most of the activity centered around the six little people, who had a marvelous time being together.

There was a lot of swimming, plenty of food was eaten and I'm told there was a card game that went into the wee hours.

And most exciting... we learned that the great-grandchild that will be joining us in June is going to be another Little Miss!

Looking at these beautiful little people, one can't help but feel great excitement about who they will become and what amazing things they will accomplish. The future is bright!

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But we no sooner returned home and I received a nudge to turn around and delve into the past. I love putting together the old pictures and stories in a way that those who come after us will find interesting and informative. And so, I will renew my work on my family history, and I look forward to having someone else to work with on this project. We both have different information and talents to bring to our collaboration.

The future -  the past - all while trying to make the most of the present...  it's enough to give a girl whiplash!   

Till next time...


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